
What Is My Chemical Romance

My Chemical romance is an American rock band from New Jersey. They formed in 2001 with the members Gerard Way (vocals), Ray Toro (lead guitar), Mikey Way (bass), and Matt Pelissier (drums) (later replaced by Bob Bryar in 2004). Frank Iero didn't join for several months after they formed.
They are one of the most influential rock bands in the 21st century. This band was one of the most influential bands in my life, it helped save my life in more ways than one, and I know just how many other people's lives it has help save.
My Chemical Romance broke up on March 22nd, 2013, a day that most people in the MCR fandom remember with pain, but on Halloween in 2019 they announced a reunion. COVID-19 cancelled most of the shows, but on May 16th, 2022, the tour started up again.
After nearly a decade of inactivity, they released a new single, The Foundations Of Decay. They released this song on a random Thursday with no warning or promotion and it was amazing.
This is my favorite band in the world, I've had incredible experiences with MCR, I've met incredible people (and some really awful ones!), and this band made me want to keep living. I hope to share my love for them with you!

How Did the Band Form?

In 2001, Gerard Way witnessed 9/11 as it happened, this event inspired them to write the song Skylines and Turnstiles.